
What Is IBS?

IBS is a comprehensive solution for automatically collecting and analyzing multidimensional data from various sources including: Social networks (facebook, twitter, tiktok, youtube), newspapers, forums, blogs, google trends. From there, it helps organizations and businesses effectively handle the problems of:

  • Measure and evaluate brand
  • Monitoring multidimensional information on the Internet
  • Support market analysis, trending, competitor information
  • Early warning of a media crisis.
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The Advantages of IBS System

General Assessment All Solutions On The Market





Main users

Organizations, shared businesses

Organizations, shared businesses

Separate organizations and businesses

Data Collection

All categories, fields

All categories, fields

According to each industry, field, specialized object

Solution goal

Marketing Support

Marketing Support

Marketing, measuring, tracking, monitoring





Fast report support



Special Service


Common settings for the whole system

Common settings for the whole system

Can be set up specifically for each object, campaign

Industry Analytics Data Source

Social network

  • 30 Million Facebook Accounts
  • 1 million groups
  • 1 million pages
  • 1 million signals/day

Types of data collected

  • Posts/ Pictures/ Videos
  • Likes/ Shares/ Comments


  • 100 newspapers (orthodox + unorthodox)
  • 50 Blogs
  • 50 Forums

Types of data collected

  • Article
  • Articles/ Photos/ Videos
  • Comments, feelings, …

Prominent Features of IBS

Automatically collect, analyze, evaluate, statistics

Automatically collect, store and enrich raw data

The raw data storage center (Data Lake) is designed to be distributed to ensure the ability to store and manage big data, and to ensure real-time retrieval performance

Analysis, evaluation, statistics

Data analysis for business problems such as: Searching, statistics, tracing,… ensuring efficiency and real-time retrieval performance

Show statistics report

  • Nearly 30 different types of statistics with a friendly and intuitive interface
  • Info graphics and highlighted data grid lists.

Statistics of active news sources

Statistics of active locations

Statistics of mentions and nuance

Manage, collect by topics/themes

Manage dynamic topics

  • Add a new topic
  • Update (configuration) for topic
  • Delete topic
  • Searching for information on topics

Automatically collect, analyze, and evaluate in real time

  • When a topic/topic is newly created or updated, the system immediately sends configuration information to the collection module to automatically collect data
  • Continue to process, analyze and evaluate data to give results to users


  • Take full initiative in matters that need to be monitored, analyzed and evaluated
  • Focus on hot industry issues
  • Always able to update to keep up with new situations, new campaigns

Alerts and custom warnings

Warning feature

  • Real-time detection and warning of negative and sensitive information
  • Configure your email and set up your own alerts for flexibility and customization


  • Warning early and timely on topics that are at risk of outbreaks, effectively supporting handling and avoiding communication crises
  • Timely support staff to handle negative and sensitive information

Monitoring, tracing multidimensional information in real time

Monitoring feature

  • Track all public interactions, discussions and locations of social media accounts
  • Detected account spreading original news shared on social networks
  • Re-simulation of information transmission and related interactions

System functions

  • Manage account information, Page information, number of posts, negative and positive, share level
  • Manage details of each post on the page and of the accounts you want to follow

Extensive features, in-depth analysis


IBS is a solution built on a distributed, big data platform integrated with artificial intelligence, with maximum focus on specialized data for each problem, each field.

IBS was born to effectively support organizations and businesses in early warning as well as handling pre-crisis communication, contributing to protecting image, reputation of brands, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of communication campaigns.

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